Who Said Intersectionality Was Simple?

We all have that one friend who just needs to make you feel sorry for them because they think they have it worse than everyone else. Next time they start to guilt-trip you about their lives, send them a link to "Who Said It Was Simple" by Andre Lorde. Her poem is about how everyone experiences oppression differently.

Originally, the feminist movement was about bringing justice only to white middle-class women.  This movement was leaving out women of color and low-class women. The white middle-class women were so focused on their own abuse that they forgot that there are many other factors to oppression and that ignoring them is leaving out many women.

Intersectionality is an idea that race, gender, and class are all connected.  People have layers to their mistreatment.  Women can be persecuted not only for their gender but also for their race and socioeconomic class. White low-class women are more mistreated than white middle-class women, but women of color are even more burdened regardless of their economic class.  Yet, only the middle-class white women were the ones who were being fought for. 

Lorde wrote, “the women rally before they march/ discussing the problematic girls/ they hire to make them free” (lines 5-7) which is commenting on how the only reason these women were able to go and fight for their rights and freedoms was because they hired women of color to take care of their house while they were gone.

The thought that white women should have gotten their rights before people of color did is sad.  Everyone deserves their God-given rights, regardless of their gender, race, or class. No one is better than another, and no one should be thinking that they need to place their needs as a priority over another person’s. End of story.


  1. I really enjoyed this post! I can clearly understand what you were trying to say about this movement and the poems connection to all of it. The last paragraph was the best!

  2. I love that's you picked this poem as well! This poem was really powerful to me, I love how your blog is so down to earth and it made it fun to read. I found your comment interesting, talking about how they could only fight for their rights because they hired women of color to work in their place.


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